Valley Family Health Care

208-642-7364 208-642-7*** show
Open Jobs - 3

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About Company

Federal Qualified Health Centers are community-based care providers that receive funds from the HRSA Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas.  They must meet a stringent set of requirements, including providing care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay and operating under a governing board that includes patients.

  • We offer Medical, Dietary, Dental, Behavioral Health & Outreach Services
  • We offer an income-based sliding scale, prescription drug assistance, and waived Medicare deductibles
  • We have 17 locations:
  • 10 Medical Clinics: Payette, New Plymouth, Emmett, Ontario x 4, Vale, Jail and Nyssa
  • 4 Dental Clinics: Payette, Ontario, Nyssa, and Emmett
  • MAC: Mobile Access Care Unit
  • Outreach Center: Ontario
  • Quality Systems Integration: Fruitland
